Highly effective active ingredients in a completely new combination.
All SHÉNOC products help strengthen the skin's barrier functions and repair cell damage thanks to a highly effective enzyme from microalgae.
Photolyase can repair sun-induced cell damage in human skin through a unique process, representing a revolution in cosmetics.
Im Mittelpunkt der Produktlinie SHÉNOC steht ein einzigartiges Schlüsselmolekül, das eine Revolution in der Wirkstoffkosmetik darstellt: die Photolyase. Dieses in Mikroalgen entdeckte hochwirksame Enzym hat die Fähigkeit, UV-bedingte DNA-Schäden zu reparieren und läutet damit eine neue Ära der Hautpflege ein.
Die Entdeckung geht auf Aziz Sancar zurück, der dafür den Nobelpreis erhielt. Sancars Erforschung der Photolyase ebnete den Weg für ein tieferes Verständnis der DNA-Reparaturmechanismen, das über Jahrzehnte weiterentwickelt wurde und schließlich in SHÉNOC seine innovative Anwendung fand.
Durch bahnbrechende Studien, wie die jüngste von Prof. Dr. Lars-Oliver Essen, die Ende 2023 in Science veröffentlicht wurde, konnte der Prozess der DNA-Reparatur durch Photolyase erstmals auf molekularer Ebene in Echtzeit gefilmt werden. Die Studie zeigte und bewies, wie Photolyase DNA-Schäden mithilfe von blauem Licht repariert, und bestätigte die lebenswichtige Rolle dieses Enzyms bei der Vorbeugung von Sonnenbrand und Hautkrebs.
SHÉNOC nutzt diese wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse, indem es Photolyase in höchstmöglicher Konzentration in alle seine Produkte integriert.
Photolyase wird in nachhaltigen, veganen und GMO-freien Photobioreaktoren in Barcelona aus der Blaualge Anacystis nidulans gewonnen und verkörpert die Verbindung zwischen fortschrittlicher Wissenschaft und natürlicher Pflege.
Die Wirksamkeit von Photolyase geht über die einfache Reparatur von UV-Schäden hinaus; sie reduziert auch entzündungsfördernde Zytokine und trägt so aktiv zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Jugendlichkeit der Haut bei. SHÉNOC hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dieses revolutionäre Molekül zum Herzstück seiner Pflegeserie zu machen, um einen umfassenden Schutz und eine Regeneration der Haut zu gewährleisten.
Mit SHÉNOC erleben Sie nicht nur eine Pflege, die Ihre Haut tiefenwirksam regeneriert und schützt, sondern auch ein Stück wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz, das die Grenzen des Machbaren in der Hautpflege neu definiert. Entdecken Sie die Kraft der Photolyase und schenken Sie Ihrer Haut die Zukunft der Regeneration.
Active ingredients at a glance
organic aloe vera
Thanks to regenerating components such as minerals, amino acids and vitamins, aloe vera juice has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The direct juice of the aloe plant from controlled organic cultivation contained in SHÉNOC protects the skin and has a healing effect on skin irritations and skin damage.
The pure aloe vera juice comes from controlled organic cultivation. It is obtained from fresh, hand-peeled leaves of aloe vera plants that are at least 5 years old. This and a gentle processing method guarantee a consistently high quality of the direct juice.
The aloe vera plant consists of polysaccharides such as mannose and cellulose and enzymes such as oxidase, amylase and catalase as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and folic acid and minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and zinc. The quality of aloe vera juice is measured by its content of aloverose or acemannan, a bioactive mucopolysaccharide. It promotes cell growth and thus significantly accelerates the healing of skin wounds. The polysaccharide glucomannan influences the fibroblast growth factor and stimulates the activity and proliferation of these cells, which in turn increases collagen production. Vitamin C also increases the production of collagen and vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant. Aloe vera juice also contains antioxidant enzyme systems such as glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, which accelerate wound healing by neutralizing the effect of free radicals that arise at the wound site and thus have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- The Effects of Aloe vera on Wound Healing in Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Viability. Wounds 2018 Sep;30(9):263-268.
- Acemannan accelerates cell proliferation and skin wound healing through AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. J Dermatol Sci 2015 Aug;79(2):101-9
- The Review on Properties of Aloe Vera in Healing of Cutaneous Wounds. Biomed Res Int 2015;2015:714216
All SHÉNOC products help strengthen the skin's barrier function through a highly effective enzyme from microalgae. And that's not all: the photolyase can repair sun-induced cell damage in human skin through a unique process, which represents a small revolution in cosmetics.
Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria in more recent nomenclature, have been inhabiting the earth for more than 3.5 billion years and are among the oldest forms of life. Because they obtain their energy through photosynthesis, they were long considered algae. Ultraviolet light is used to generate energy, but it also causes cell damage in the genetic material of all living things. In order to thrive in sunlight, these organisms have developed a highly effective enzyme that can repair this damage under the influence of light (daylight from the blue spectrum drives the photolyase, ultraviolet light is not required for this).
This repair process of photoreactivation using photolyase has been lost in more highly developed organisms for unknown reasons. In our cells, the enzyme DNA polymerase works to search for larger DNA damages; other enzymes cut out the damages and then rebuild the DNA with new building blocks. The smaller damages in the DNA that the phytolyase repairs are ignored by our enzyme. It is assumed that this damage is the starting point for the development of the precursors of white skin cancer (actinic keratoses) and white skin cancer.
Science has proven that when applied to human skin, photolyase can perform the same function as in blue-green algae. This represents a revolution in cosmetics. Until now, sunscreens could only protect against the sun, but now photolyase can repair damaged DNA strands. Photolyase is contained in all Shénoc products.
All Shénoc products contain photolyase so that we can benefit from the cell-repairing properties of photolyase every day in all areas of the skin exposed to light.
Shénoc ceramide complex
All SHÉNOC products strengthen the skin's barrier function by using skin-related lipids extracted from plants. The complex extraction process limits their use in commercially available cosmetics. SHÉNOC uses the highest possible medically effective concentration. SHÉNOC contains the optimal combination of the most important ceramides AP (III) and ceramides NP (VI) according to scientific findings.
Tri-Hyaluron Complex
The SHÉNOC moisture booster consists of hyaluronic acid in all three molecular sizes and thus supplies not only the top layer but the entire epidermis with moisture: the skin environment remains in balance all day long.
raspberry stem cells
The patented, moisturizing stem cell extract from raspberries increases the elasticity of the skin. It contains a high proportion of active ingredients with special antioxidant and moisturizing properties. A multidimensional active ingredient that protects the skin quickly, long-lastingly and sustainably against drying out.
Ectoin is a natural amino acid derivative from the group of extremolytes (stress protection molecules that protect against hostile conditions in the habitats of certain microorganisms). It has been proven to prevent skin and cell damage and promotes the repair and regeneration of aged or damaged skin. Irritated, very sensitive and atopic skin is soothed for the long term and inflammatory processes are quickly alleviated.
Ectoin is a so-called stress molecule (extremolyte). It is formed inside the cells of microorganisms that live in habitats with extreme conditions. Ectoin stabilizes the biological structure of the bacteria and protects them from their hostile environment: from very high and low temperatures, dryness, strong sunlight and high salt concentrations.
Ectoin strengthens the natural structure of biopolymers (proteins, enzymes and cell membranes) and improves the interaction between water molecules and fats. It forms stabilizing water shells around biopolymers and thus has cell-protecting, anti-inflammatory, nourishing and membrane-stabilizing properties. Ectoin has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects the skin from the effects of UV-induced cell damage and counteracts accelerated skin aging.
- The multifunctional role of ectoine as a natural cell protectant. Clin Dermatol 2008; 26(4):326-333
- Ectoine as a promising protective agent in humans and animals. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2016 Dec 1;67(4):260-265
- Ectoin: an effective natural substance to prevent UVA-induced premature photoaging. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2004 Sep-Oct;17(5):232-7
Micronized zinc
The zinc salt of vegetable fatty acids accelerates wound healing, has an antibacterial effect and soothes skin irritations and inflammations. It is so mild and gentle that it can be used without concern on very sensitive skin and babies. We use micronized zinc stearate and no nanoparticles.
The binding of zinc to stearic acid gives zinc fat-soluble properties, allowing it to be absorbed into the skin, where zinc can protect skin cells from free radicals and bacterial toxins. Zinc delivery in a cream is superior to oral therapy because it reduces infections via an enhanced local defense system, promotes the degradation of necrotic material, and stimulates the epithelialization of wounds.
- Multiple impacts of zinc on immune function. Metal. Integr. Biometal Sci. 2014:1175–1180
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of zinc. Zinc-dependent NF-kB signaling. Inflammopharmacology. 2017;25:11–2
- Clinical, immunological, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant roles of zinc. Exp Gerontol. 2008 May;43(5):370-7
- Zinc in wound healing: Theoretical, experimental, and clinical aspects. Wound Repair Rain. 2007;15:2–16
vine leaf extract
(VITIS VINIFERA LEAF EXTRACT) The medicinal properties of vine leaves were already recognized around 3500 years ago. The astringent (contracting) effect attributed to the tannins they contain was used to stop bleeding and to treat inflamed wounds and skin diseases.
An antioxidant and vascular-active phytocomplex made up of flavonoids, anthocyanins, resveratrol, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins is extracted from the vine leaves. Recent studies on the mechanisms of action show that ingredients in red vine leaves strengthen the blood vessel walls, keep them elastic and prevent inflammatory reactions and the leakage of fluid into the tissue and thus reduce swelling1.
In addition, the extract increases microcirculation in the fine blood vessels, which leads to an improvement in the supply of oxygen and nutrients and the removal of waste products. Its astringent, anti-irritant and antioxidant properties are also important for cosmetic preparations. The extract from red vine leaves is particularly suitable for diffuse redness, couperose ("red veins" on the face, neck and décolleté).
Vitis vinifera Leaf Extract contains high amounts of polyphenols, the largest group of natural antioxidants. They have anti-inflammatory activity demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, their antioxidant activity is not only due to direct activity as radical scavengers, but also to their ability to modulate cellular signaling pathways. UV radiation exerts multiple effects on skin cells, inducing apoptosis, senescence (aging) and carcinogenesis. The extract (1h pretreatment) highlights the antioxidant and radical scavenging activity at UV-A, while the maintenance of apoptosis at both UV-A and UV-B must be interpreted as an antimutagenic effect2,3.
- Biological activities of Vitis vinifera L. leaves. Turk J Biol 2009 Jan;33(4):341-348 Sep;30(9):263-268.
- Effects of Vitis vinifera L. leaves extract on UV radiation damage in human keratinocytes. J Photochem Photobiol B 2020 Mar;204:111810
- Transcriptional and epigenetic effects of Vitis vinifera L. leaf extract on UV-stressed human dermal fibroblasts. Mol Biol Rep 2020 Aug;47(8):5763-5772 5772 (2020)
SAP schützt die Haut vor Schäden durch UV-Strahlung und Umweltverschmutzung, indem es freie Radikale neutralisiert. Es ist weniger reizend als andere Formen von Vitamin C und daher besonders für empfindliche Haut geeignet. Bei zu Akne neigender Haut reguliert SAP die Talgproduktion und wirkt entzündungshemmend, was zur Verringerung von Akne und Hautunreinheiten beiträgt. Außerdem regt SAP die Kollagenproduktion an, was die Elastizität der Haut verbessert, und Falten und Fältchen mindert. Darüber hinaus verfügt es über aufhellende Eigenschaften, die dazu beitragen können, dass Hyperpigmentierung und dunkle Flecken reduziert werden.